White, Green Stars, Striped Sleeves, White And Green Star Cap
J D Nixon, Mrs J Nixon, L Bonadio, Mrs V Bonadio, Ms E E Hartley, M Quinn, Mrs S Bennett, G Bennett, Miss M D Cole, J C Robinson, P F Breslin, Ms M E Steele, L J Fulford, M J Romero, R J Harris, S J Nixon & S Strange
D R Jolly, C Lindop, Mrs R S Abley, Usain Colt (Mgr: D Hawkins), D Cooper, Martin Racing (Mgr: P J Martin), M Chambers, G C Dickie, M P Chapman, Miss S J Shaddick, B A Chapman & Mrs M A Ewins
Miss K M Byrnes, J H Morgan-Byrnes, Mrs T M McSporran, B McGowan, G Cannizzaro, Mrs A J Cannizzaro, P S Manning, Mrs C M Manning, Miss M LaVars, J Rehn & Miss K G McSporran
Black, Teal Lightning Bolt, White And Teal Stars Sleeves, Teal And Black Stars Cap
P J Hardacre, E R Hayman, D W Pegler, B W James, J R Nicoll, R J Glynn, J F Pegler, J M Cimera, M D Whibley, D J Constable, A J Lyon, B J Joyce, M P Haberfield & Missed The Race & At The Bar (Mgr: C J Prostimo)
White, Red Star, Yellow Stars Sleeves, Red Star On Cap
A Bain, J Durnberger-Smith, Zip A Dee Do Dah, M Shuttleworth, Vanguardians, E Hardacre, A Doyle, BCR Syndicate, N Rantanen-Reynolds, Rough Diamonds, M Haines, D Stevens, J Stirling, C Hryhorec, D Wilson, Glamour Girls, B Fitzgerald, T Hoare, B O'Keefe & ABR Thermodynamic Club
Ms J Heaney, R M Warnock, Mrs L A Warnock, C A Reynolds, S N Prettejohn, J C Nemorin, Tell Them They're Dreaming (Mgr: Ms J Heaney), Ms C M A Rehn, G W Guest, AJ Hughes, Mrs AM Varney, D A Varney, J M Baker & P J Ninnis