Blue, White Chevron, Blue Sleeves, White Hoops, Blue Cap, White Pom Pom
Foak Bloodstock (Mgr J Frantz), T Stokes, G B Racing (Mgr E Greenslade), Modbury Millionaires, J Harrison, Ms S Figg, W Creeper, P Creeper, L McDonald, C Comitogianni, I Treacy, Z Sambrooks, A Ibraheim, I Brill, N Quinn, D Moyle, B Long, M Williams, A Mallen & Young Cats Racing (Mgr J Hyland)
Ms J Heaney, Island Dreaming (Mgr: Ms J Heaney), D Sulda, C A Reynolds, J M Baker, B I Jamieson, Mrs S D Belperio, Mrs N Femia, F Femia, Mrs S K Hawxwell, Friends of Ed 17, R M Warnock, Mrs L A Warnock & G Belperio
Ms J Heaney, P L Green, J A Atkinson, Mrs B Mazurke, D L Mazurke, Mrs R Spek, J C Spek, Mrs A L Browne, M J Liptak, M Austin, G A Jennings & Brookers (Mgr: N Pearce)
Navy Blue, White Seams, White And Navy Blue Seams Cap
Ms K Harrison, Miss P J McIntosh, J Pilkington, O Goels, Pajama Racing, S L Cotton, S Patrick, Mrs T Patrick, P W Dobbie, Back That Racing, A M Brockhouse, A Havers, A T Dennis, Catch a Kat Racing, Cornerstone Stud Farm, Miss J J May, Whiskey & Wine , J Haldane, Mrs C A Haldane, H Cawley