Grass Coverage: Even with some minor wear in the one and two wide line from last meeting.
Water: Irrigation – 5 mls last 24hrs, 26mm last seven days. Rainfall – Nil last 24hrs and last seven days.
Rail position and why: 3mts from the 1200m to the winning post, true remainder. We have not raced here for 22 days with reasonable recovery, so the rail stays in the same position.
Last time we raced here: Friday, 6th of October.
How it played last time: On pace runners were advantaged for the majority of the day with winners in the one to three wide line.
Verdict: With the rail in the same position, winners should come from being able to dictate as well as coming out to the three wide line or wider in the straight from off the pace.
Clarken Bloodstock (Mgr: W T Clarken), A K Stewart, B Pike, R A J O'Donohue, A F M Panozzo, M Duggin, P R Stansborough, Mrs S L A Bandick, M G McLean, C R Argent, K J Klopp, C J Elliott, Mrs S M Genockey, C M Genockey, W J Betar, P J McLean & J Mitchell
Black And Royal Blue Diagonal Halves, White Fern And Red Stars
J D Frew, M D McCann, M R Payne, R J Hamilton, Miss G M Payne, R N Miller, V M Kroon, T Rankine, A Fitzgerald, D J Pope, P McDonald, M P Dee, D G Wyatt, C A Lallard, L R Dare & M D Dee
Ms J Heaney, P L Green, J A Atkinson, Mrs B Mazurke, D L Mazurke, Mrs R Spek, J C Spek, Mrs A L Browne, M J Liptak, M Austin, G A Jennings & Brookers (Mgr: N Pearce)
Ms J Heaney, Island Dreaming (Mgr: Ms J Heaney), D Sulda, C A Reynolds, J M Baker, B I Jamieson, Mrs S D Belperio, Mrs N Femia, F Femia, Mrs S K Hawxwell, Friends of Ed 17, R M Warnock, Mrs L A Warnock & G Belperio
Mrs S M Cozamanis, B J Cozamanis, Mrs M Cozamanis, D M Dinnison, G P Cozamanis, M T Phelan, Mrs B M Phelan, C Zucco, G V Metcalf, G J Bagg, Mrs S L Kelly, D Baldwin, D D Guy & J Pearce
Navy Blue, White Seams, White And Navy Blue Seams Cap
G Maniscalco, Ms K Harrison, Mrs V Fox, Ms L Gissing, Ms C McKenzie, A Reeve, Mrs L Reeve, Ms R Smallwood, Mrs K Scarlett, Ms J Hallam, Ms J Hall, Mrs I Thomas, M Clemow, B Green, Mrs J Charlton & A McLeod
Ms J Heaney, R M Warnock, Mrs J L Watson, Mrs N K Ranger, Island Gold Diggers (Mgr: K Heaney), P Lawson, Mrs L A Warnock, D R Ward, Right Field (Mgr: P A O'Shea), Malaka (Mgr: P Georgiadis), C A Reynolds, R S Holton, Ms C H Holton, G J Blight & Mrs S A Blight
R R Jolly, J A Carrabba, P M Cook, M L R Whittaker, Mrs E M K Whittaker, J R Jenkins, G R Schintler, V C Audino, D A Hancock, G G & S (Mgr: N M Gibbins), Bram Racing (Mgr: Mrs V L Gabriel), Martin Racing (Mgr: P J Martin), N Hill, P Shaw, S Johns, D D Krempel & J Duncan
Orange, Black Maltese Cross, Red Sleeves, Black And Orange Quartered Cap
D E Magro, M J Trimboli, J Lund, J H Edwards, Mrs B G Edwards, S J H Edwards, Ohana (Mgr: Mrs S M Turnbull), A B Prior, Ms A J Dawson, M D Burt, M R Dean, Spicy Neigh Neighs (Mgr: J F Duggan), S J Horsburgh, S M Wilson, A Andermahr, V Violi, Mrs E A Violi, Mrs M J Male, M J Gameau & Mrs C D Crafter