Southeast Motor Company Colts, Geldings & Entires Rating 0 - 58 Handicap gear changes

Barrier Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Changes
3 13x6x56
Gusty Way
G 5 Sue & Jason Jaensch Blinkers OFF FIRST TIME, Standard Race Tips (Front) FIRST TIME
8 0232615x80
Load And Go
G 8 Richard Wilson Bandages (Near Hind) OFF FIRST TIME
5 466666213x
Blue Pawsom
G 7 Emma Hamblin Blinkers OFF AGAIN, Concussion Plates (Front) FIRST TIME, Cross-over Nose Band OFF FIRST TIME, Tongue Tie OFF FIRST TIME
10 0179x9x008
G 9 Bob and Kane Post Blinkers OFF AGAIN, Pacifiers OFF AGAIN, Visors AGAIN
- 30755x654x
Gold Logie
G 7 Holly McKechnie Blinkers OFF AGAIN, Cross-over Nose Band OFF FIRST TIME, Tongue Tie FIRST TIME