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Weather: Overcast
Irrigation: Nil
Rainfall: Nil last 24hrs, 7.5mm last 7 days
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Soft 6
Rail Position: True
Race 1
- 1 Crypto Currency - (SA 16/7 0001)
Race 2
- 5 Lonrodex - (SA 16/7 0002)
Race 3
- 6 Code Of Silence - (SA 15/7 1835)
- 14 Sip Of Soda - (Eliminated)
Race 4
- 2 Wirrealpa - (SA 15/7 1549)
- 12 Steller Eagle - (SA 15/7 1841)
- 13 French Witness - (SC 16/7 0633)
- 14 So Say Sunny - (SC 16/7 0634)
Race 6
- 3 Devil Dan - (SA 13/7 1703)
- 4 Chloe's Day - (SA 16/7 0505)
- 15 Enlist - (Eliminated)
Race 7
- 7 Zeydana - (SA 15/7 1652)
- 14 Ranger Cee Jay - (Eliminated)
- 15 Anges - (Eliminated)
Late Scratchings
There are no late scratchings for this meeting.
Late Riders/Alterations
Race 3
- 13 Shock Reaction - Ms Alana Livesey (a)
Race 4
- 15 Treeline - Ms Emily Finnegan
Race 6
- 13 Scottish Soldier - Ms Anna Jordsjo
Undeclared Riders